The Farm

Established in 2007, and set amidst the rural countryside of Northern Tasmania in the West Tamar District, Killiecrankie Farm grow a wonderfully diverse range of Christmas Trees. They are Tasmania’s first Pick-Your-Own Christmas Tree Farm, seasonally hosting PYO Christmas Trees from the last weekend in November every year. They also offer a free ‘Full Circle’ service where customers are encouraged to close the carbon and nutrients loop and bring back their used Christmas trees so they can chip and return the carbon back into the farm.
They are focused on creating a sustainable enterprise, based on best practice with minimised inputs and a justifiable range of intensively produced crops. Their 21 hectare property is managed in a way that considers the needs of all inhabitants and produce. Their stock needs to be healthy, their plants well managed and productive, their wildlife considered and accommodated, their family content and their future secure.
Their products are currently available from the farm gate, seasonally, and at their online store for mail order.
The Farmer
Killicrankie Farm is owned and operated by Lee Adamson-Ringk. As well as her love for all things Christmas tree, she is passionate about encouraging people to consider edible plants for their gardens, beyond just their vegetable patch, and in reconnecting people with produce grown in their own backyards
She says that they never stop learning or discovering new things about their land, crops and potential future crops and are focused on extensive research and trials. It’s her dream to grow the business sustainably and profitably, and inspire her children along the way.