Lauren Byrne & Michael Layfield of Felds Farm

Two vibrant young chefs turned farmers – becoming primary producers of vegetables, fruit, eggs and bread was a natural progression for their passion to offer delicious, local food to the community. Supplying neighbours, local farmers markets and restaurants with a diverse range of healthy and sustainably grown produce, Felds Farm support sustainable growth for their local community.
Moving to Tasmania and seeing the local food industry and meeting the equally passionate people involved in it has inspired them to fulfill their own goals of producing good quality, local food on a small scale farm.
In 2020 they have adapted to the challenges produced by COVID19 and produced their own online marketplace for their Vegetable Boxes to be delivered to the customer direct. Stepping outside of their comfort zones and developing a service that meets both the needs of their business and their loyal customer base. Check out their new site and see what they have on offer.
Comments from their passionate supporters
“This young couple are such hard working, good natured and enthusiastic chefs turned farmers. They really understand the needs of the industry which they supply and are now producing excellent food products in an ethical and sustainable way, as well as being wonderful representatives for small scale farming.”
“They produce amazing food – so amazing, they won Gold at the delicious produce awards. They contribute to the community – they pivoted their business in March when COVID shut down Harvest Market….they are able to reflect and change their operation to suit both themselves and their client base…These guys work so hard, produce amazing food that they are generous with, as well as their knowledge, and they do it having entered the industry as young people without a farming background, without an asset base, and they are showing us all how it can be done. They are so inspirational for small farmers and also for young people who want to enter the agricultural industry as farmers.”
“Lovely friendly & humble couple who are passionate & enthusiastic producers of amazingly delicious food. I think they had not long started their venture here in Northern Tasmania when COVID struck. They work really hard & deserve to be recognised for what they do.”
Listen to The Tasmanian Country Hour with Tony Briscoe where he crosses live to Fiona Breen, at the annual Sprout Cross Pollinate 2020 Conference, and chats with our General Manager, Jennifer Robinson, (17min, 13 sec), and to Lauren from Felds Farm about their award win (21min, 30 sec).